
Non-public entities may elect not to provide certain disclosures required for public entities. Sales of a subsidiary or group of assets that constitutes a business or not-for-profit activity continue to be accounted for under the deconsolidation guidance (Topic 810). While both IFRS 15 and Topic 606 remain substantially converged, certain differences exist that can affect comparability. Here we summarize what we see as the top 10 differences in revenue accounting and disclosures under IFRS Standards and US GAAP. A company recognizes revenue under that principle by applying a 5-step model as follows.
You may also see non-GAAP reporting in the same documents, which simply means that those pages are prepared using some kind of optional reporting that does not adhere to the GAAP rules. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain gaap vs ifrs financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. After enrolling in a program, you may request a withdrawal with refund (minus a $100 nonrefundable enrollment fee) up until 24 hours after the start of your program.
US GAAP vs IFRS Terminology
Today, IFRS has become the global standard for the preparation of public company financial statements and 144 out of 166 jurisdictions require IFRS standards. How a company reports these figures will have a large impact on the figures that appear in financial statements and regulatory filings. Investors and financial analysts must be sure they understand which set of standards a company is using, and how its bottom line or financial ratios will change if the accounting system were different. Under GAAP, either LIFO or first-in, first-out (FIFO) inventory estimates can be used. The move to a single method of inventory costing could lead to enhanced comparability between countries and remove the need for analysts to adjust LIFO inventories in their comparative analysis. However, there are important differences to be aware of when GAAP-using entities are consolidating, reporting to, or negotiating with IFRS-using entities.
As the topline, revenue is a key performance indicator for users of financial statements where an understanding of GAAP differences is essential to benchmark against peers. A few years back, IFRS 15 and Topic 606 were introduced to account for revenue from contracts with customers under a common set of principles across IFRS Standards and US GAAP. Fast forward to 2022, implementation has settled but standard setting has not – for example, the FASB amended its guidance on licenses and on revenue contracts in business combinations. Here we summarize what we see as the current main differences between IFRS 15 and Topic 606. GAAP requires financial statements to include a balance sheet, income statement, statement of comprehensive income, changes in equity, cash flow statement, and footnotes. It is recommended that the balance sheet separates current and noncurrent assets and liabilities, and deferred taxes are included with assets and liabilities.
Intangible assets produced for re-sale may be inventory under IAS 2; not under US GAAP
However, a lot of people actually do listen to what the IASB has to say on matters of accounting. The IFRS Foundation works with more than a dozen consultative bodies, representing the many different stakeholder groups that are impacted by financial reporting. When researching companies, the financial statement is a great place to start. As a set of principles, the IFRS is much less exacting in what must be reported and its appearance, allowing for less reporting detail and more and longer disclosures. However, being more flexible also means the IFRS often works better across many different cultures.

In these cases, the company is required to report on its income statement the results of operations of the asset or component for current and prior periods in a separate discontinued operations section. The way a balance sheet is formatted is different in the US than in other countries. Under GAAP, current assets are listed first, while a sheet prepared under IFRS begins with non-current assets.
What is GAAP?
Companies using LIFO often disclose information using another cost formula; such disclosure reflects the actual flow of goods through inventory for the benefit of investors. An entity using IFRS rules can classify equity method investments as "held for sale," which is not possible under GAAP. There is also no condition precluding continuing involvement with IFRS treatment. Like GAAP, however, discontinued operations under IFRS are represented by their own section on an income statement. Under IFRS, the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for accounting for inventory costs is not allowed.
US GAAP requires that interest expense, interest income and dividend income be accounted for in the operating activities section, and dividends paid be reported in the financing section. We have compiled a single cheat sheet to outline the key differences between US GAAP and IFRS. On the other hand, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) created and oversees the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which is followed by more than 144 countries. This content outlines initial considerations meriting further consultation with life sciences organizations, healthcare organizations, clinicians, and legal advisors to explore feasibility and risks. In addition, the economic environment continues to change, with companies facing increased uncertainty. Disrupted supply chains, inflation, natural disasters, geopolitical events and the Covid-19 pandemic continue to create issues and risks.
GAAP vs. IFRS: The Bottom Line
While GAAP and IFRS share many similarities, there are several contrasts, beyond the regions in which they’re applied. Harvard Business School Online's Business Insights Blog provides the career insights you need to achieve your goals and gain confidence in your business skills.
Unavoidable costs are the lower of the costs of fulfilling the contract and any compensation or penalties from the failure to fulfill it. If a contract can be terminated without incurring a penalty, it is not onerous. Under IAS 2, the cost of inventories measured using the retail method is reviewed regularly, in our view at least at each reporting date, to determine that it approximates cost in light of current conditions.